Respecto a esta última, Variety nos dice que se estrenará el 16 de Agosto en EEUU, lo cual es un gran paso para que podamos ver en otros países. Dicen las fuentes cercanas al film, que las mujeres la adorarán...veremos ;)
Sobre la otra, tras pasar por diversas manos para ser dirigida y protagonizada, parece que Lily Collins (City of Bones, Mirror, Mirror) va a ser Elizabeth Bennet...en fin, veremos si sobrevive otro ataque y tenemos que verla al final o no :S. La dirección será realizada por Burr Steers (17 otra vez)
Regarding the latter, Variety tells us to be released on August 16 in the U.S., which is a big step for us to see in other countries. Close sources to the film say that women will love it ... we'll see;)
On the other hand, after passing through various hands to be directed and starred, it seems that Lily Collins (City of Bones, Mirror Mirror) is going to be Elizabeth Bennet ... well, we'll see if it survives another attack and we have to see it at the end or not: S. The direction will be made by Burr Steers (17 Again)
Fuentes/Sources: Variety - Screenrant
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